We love all things women this month! It has been so encouraging to see, meet and be surrounded by women in all walks of motherhood and beyond. It is also National Craft Month! Of course, with our fantastic playdates from Our Village, our team knows a thing or two about great crafts! With the onset of spring, Women’s Month and crafts we can combine all three!
This fun sunflower craft can be for any age of littles and allows the creativity to flow.
Materials you will need:
- white construction paper
- yellow construction paper
- paints in various colors, or dot markers
- paint brush
- black marker
- glue stick
Cut out petals from your yellow construction paper for your sunflower before hand.
Paint a bright, lovely circle in the middle of your white construction paper for the center of your sunflower. For each yellow petal, ask your little what describes what every woman is, (for example, our littles chose beautiful, smart, brave, helpful, a good citizen, caring, gentle, kind, amazing, strong, a leader.) and write each adjective on a petal.
Glue each petal onto your colorful circle to complete your flower. Add a stem, leaves or even grass to complete your art. Voila! Your “Spring Woman Sunflower” craft is complete!
This would be a great gift to a sibling, a grandmother or even another mom with petals describing positive characteristics about each one.
Our Village has so many upcoming playdates to choose from. Join our community of strong women and enjoy a fun Stroller Workout followed by a playdate with the littles!